Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Parts Ordered

I have ordered my parts, and they should be here in about a week.  Hopefully i have ordered everything I need, and do not need more. The instructable I found, which my project is based on, has these parts:

1 LTC-617 clock display
1 Arduino (I used an Arduino-nano)
many jumper wires
1 button

1 resistor: 10k or close (to prevent short between gnd and 5v on button press)

but I thought it would be better if I used LED lights to create my clock so I have ordered those as well. The kit I ordered does not have the LTC clock display, but it does have a display that hopefully will work.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Project Decided

My project: making a functioning digital clock with Arduino.  My project will be based loosely on this project found on Instructables, there are some differences however.
